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stories and publications

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Sunny Daze | 2024

To be honest, the Sunny Daze Traveling Circus was no more

than a mud show.  

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A Chance Taken | 2023

So that’s how it started. Local boy meets foreign girl on the vast, mainly empty Navajo reservation in Northern Arizona on a cold clear day.

Do me a favor | 2022

Carl grinned and his gold front tooth pulsed like a firefly in the streetlight. His whole body was vibrating, a human tuning fork, high on something
as usual.


My Bird bill | 2020

It was a contraption that started at her elbow and ended in two curved metal pincers that opened up to
accept my hand.

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THE GULF | 2019

The Gulf Coast beach was deserted, not a person, not a bird, not a sound. 


Sam, Adrienne and the Big FisH | 2019

Her scent washed over me as she got to her feet. Not pears exactly, but pear blossoms.

HELLO? | 2018

The pay phone at 14th street and 1st Avenue, south east corner is ringing.
I pick it up.

the Promise | 2017

Driving home that day through heavy fog near Ravenna with the package on the seat next to me, I nearly threw it out the window twice. 

The stick of gum | 2017

Big Bill Dean, the manager of Dot’s Bar and Dance next to the A-OK Motel in Fordyce, Arkansas was not too pleased with the band he’d hired that night. 

Can I Ask You a Question? | 2017

 No, I can’t buy you a wedding ring and you might want to smoke that somewhere else, this is a gas station.

The Room | 2016

If she wanted to play Bonnie to my Clyde, she might come looking for me.

COMpany | 2016

Gay? Yes. Older? Yes. Lovers? No.

Tire | 2016

He felt different this summer, and as fall approached, he was no longer ashamed, and that was a good thing.

the girl at the door | 2016

Harry looked beyond the girl but saw nothing, no fire or smoke, only darkness and freezing rain.

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